After the Wedding está entre os indicados ao
Oscar 2007; longa será distribuído pela
California Filmes com o título Depois do
A Academia de Artes e Ciências
Cinematográficas de Hollywood divulgou nesta
terça, 23, a lista dos indicados ao Oscar
2007. Entre os concorrentes ao prêmio de
melhor filme estrangeiro está o dinamarquês
Depois do Casamento (After the Wedding), de
Susanne Bier, que será distribuído pela
California Filmes, ainda sem data de estréia
no Brasil.
O filme que integrou a 30ª Mostra
Internacional de Cinema em São Paulo, em
outubro de 2006, narra a história de Jacob
Petersen, um homem dedicado a ajudar menores
carentes da Índia. Quando o orfanato que
administra corre o risco de ser fechado,
recebe uma proposta incomum: um empresário
dinamarquês, Jørgen, oferece uma doação de 4
milhões de dólares. No entanto, impõe
algumas condições: retornar à Dinamarca e se
aproximar de sua família.
A 79ª cerimônia de entrega do Oscar
acontecerá em 25 de fevereiro.
Assessoria de imprensa California Filmes:
Foco Jornalístico
com Regina Cintra ou Erika Teixeira
(Trust Film Sales)
"After The Wedding"
is a new feature film by Susanne Bier
(Brothers, Open Hearts, The One and Only).
Mads Mikkelsen,
Sidse Babett Knudsen and Rolf Lassgård,
among others,
feature in the leading parts.
Jacob Petersen has dedicated his life to
helping street
children in India. When the orphanage he
heads is
threatened by closure, he receives an
unusual offer. A
Danish businessman, Jørgen, offers him a
donation of $4
million dollars. There are, however,
certain conditions...
Not only must Jacob return to Denmark,
he must also take
part in the wedding of Jørgen's daughter.
The wedding
proves to be a critical juncture between
past and future
and catapults Jacob into the most
intense dilemma of his
Title: |
Original Title: |
Director(s): |
Susanne Bier |
Director of Photography: |
Morten Søborg |
Sound Editor: |
Eddie Simonsen |
Editor: |
Pernille Bech |
Screenwriter(s): |
Anders Thomas Jensen |
Genre: |
Drama |
Length: |
122 minutes |
Format: |
35mm |
Screen Ratio: |
1:1.85 |
Sound: |
Language spoken: |
Danish |
Country of Origin: |
Denmark |
Year of Production: |
2005 |
Producer(s): |
Sisse Graum Jørgensen |
Executive Producer(s): |
Peter Aalbæk Jensen |
Production Company: |
ZentropaEntertainments16 |
Domestic release: |
24.02.06 |
Sidse Babett Knudsen
Rolf Lassgård |
Susanne Bier
Susanne Bier,
director of the award-winning features
Freud Leaving Home (1990), Family
Matters (1993), Like it Never was Before
(1995), Credo (1997), and not least The
One and Only (1999), which won a whole
host of Danish Film Academy and Danish
film critics' awards. With record
box-office sales The One and Only is one
of the 5 most popular Danish feature
films of all time. After this
blockbuster success Susanne Bier
directed Once in a Lifetime (2000), and
most recently the highly acclaimed Dogma
success Open Hearts (2002), which sold
over half a million tickets and won no
less than five Danish film awards,
including best Danish film. Open Hearts
was selected for San Sebastian Film
Festival in Spain, Sundance Film
Festival in the US, and Toronto Film
Festival in Canada. Brothers (2004)
opened in Denmark autumn 2004 and was
both a huge national and international
success. It was selected for San
Sebastian Film Festival, Toronto
International Film Festival and lately
Brothers was nominated in several
categories in the prestigious European
Film Academy Awards. Recently After the
Wedding (2006) has been released in
Denmark and it is already living up to
Biers other features as a critics and
audience favourite. As well as feature
films Susanne Bier also directs short
films, music videos and commercials. |