Assim Vivemos - Brazil's 3rd International Disability Film Festival - Call for Entries
We are proud to announce that Brazil's 3rd International Disability Film Festival opens submissions. It will take place from August 7th to 19th, 2007 in Rio de Janeiro and in Brasília from September 18th to 30th, 2007, at the CCBB (Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil/Bank of Brazil’s Cultural Center).
The main objective of Brazil’s 3rd International Disability Film Festival is to encourage new ways of seeing special needs and disabilities and stimulate discussions about inclusion of disabled people in the society.
We accept works of any genre, length and year of production dealing with the theme of disabilities. For more details visit the site: www.assimvivemos.com.br, where you will find the rules and requirements, as well as the on line Submission Form.
The on-line submission deadline is April 21rt, 2007.
We will be very grateful if you could forward this message to people, associations, foundations or institutions related to this issue.
Lara Pozzobon – Producer
Assim Vivemos – Brazil's 3rd International Disability Film Festival
Lavoro Produções
Rua Bartolomeu Portela, 50/106
Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
CEP: 22290-190
Telephone: + 55 21 2527-0367
Tel/Fax: + 55 21 2286-9699
MSN: festival@assimvivemos.com.br
Skype: festival.assim.vivemos
Site: www.assimvivemos.com.br