Data: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 22:39:18 -0400
De: "OAS Web"
Assunto: OAS General Assembly live: Opening
Press Conference / Asamblea General OEA en vivo:
Conferencia de Prensa Inicial
Saturday, June 2,
2007 / Sábado, 2 de
junio de 2007 |
Press Conference on
the Opening of the
OAS General Assembly.
Time : 03:00
PM (Panama time) /
4:00 PM (EDT)
Place :
ATLAPA Convention
Center, Panama.
Press Conference of
the OAS Secretay
General, Jose Miguel
Insulza, and the
Assistant Secretary
General , Albert
Ramdin on the
General Assembly. |
Conferencia de
Prensa de Apertura
de la Asamblea
General. (English)
Hora : 03:00
PM (Panama time) /
4:00 PM (EDT)
Lugar : Sala
de Conferencias de
Prensa, Centro de
Convenciones ATLAPA.
Conferencia de
Prensa del
Secretario General
de la OEA, José
Miguel Insulza, y
del Secretario
General Adjunto,
Albert Ramdin sobre
la Asamblea General. |
Organization of American
Headquarters: 17th Street &
Constitution Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20006, USA
Tel. (202)458-3000 / Email:
OASWeb@oas.org |