Faustino Vicente, publicado em inglês nos EUA
O artigo de Faustino Vicente, "A BÍBLIA E O
recentemente em inglês nos EUA.
009/10/7 Faustino Vicente:
Prezada amiga, Dra. Theresa Catharina de Goes
Para seu conhecimento segue o texto abaixo.
Faustino – Jundiaí (Terra da Uva)
De: Johnson, Pamela
Enviada em: terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009 18:02
Para: faustino.vicente
Cc: Syslo, Mike
Assunto: FW: SSVP - BRAZIL
Greetings Faustino,
Thank you so much for sharing your article “The Bible and the
Climate”. The U.S. Council has accepted your republication offer and will
run this article in our monthly governance newsletter. We will happy to
forward a copy of this publication to you at time of distribution. Again,
express gratitude for your kindness and sharing.
Kindest Thoughts & Prayers in the name of Frédéric,
Membership & Technology Services Admin
National Council of the United States
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Inc.
58 Progress Parkway
St. Louis, Missouri 63043
(314) 576-3993 Office
(314) 576-6755 Fax
From: Faustino
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 7:34 AM
To: USA Council
ubject: SSVP - BRAZIL
Faustino Vicente – Consultant, Teacher and Lawyer – e-mail:
faustino.vicente@uol.com.br - Phone number +55-114586.7426 – Address: Rua
Jol Fuller, 72 – Centro – Jundiaí – São Paulo – Brasil
* Faustino Vicente
Requested, during one of our lectures, to suggest the reading of a special
book dealing with concepts and practices about the organizational climate,
we suggested the Bible – what caused a certain surprise – by the
perception of the wide scope and depth of this Christian bestseller – a
legitimate handbook about quality of life.
Vision, mission, values, principles, standards of behaviour and goals,
elements which reached organizational status in the 20th Century, are
in detail in the Holy Scriptures.
One of the first references can be found in the construction of Noah’s Ark.
The works order came with all the technical specifications:
“Make an ark of cyprus timbers.” (Genesis 6:14-16 MKJV).
Nowadays, products and services are developed according to international
technical specifications, whose certificates are true passports to the
acceptance of enterprises in the global business field.
Noah, within his managerial expertise, had the capacity to plan and
organize, the tactical discipline to meet deadlines, the strength of
character to ignore provocations from scoffers, and an acute perception of
the characteristics and individual skills of his companions. He built a
team, motivated it, allocated resources, established operational
distributed tasks, set up completion deadlines and managed the complete
project. Noah was not an apostle of bureaucracy!
Another historical character of the Bible is Joseph of Egypt – an
outstanding administrator (Genesis 41:37-45) who can be compared to the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of today. It was really remarkable the way
Joseph administered the country during the “seven lean cows and seven fat
cows” period, interpreted as years of plenty and years of famine (Genesis
41:29,30). In terms of inter-personal relationships, Joseph’s life is one
of the most moving and charming recorded in History.
Moses’ slow and silent journey through the desert placed him in the
of people who added value to the management of human resources. Within his
various challenges stands out the complexity of the task of attending to
needs of the thousands of Jews he led on the way to the Promised Land.
The solution to the problem came from his father-in-law, Jethro, when he
told him:(...)
And make it easier for yourself, and they shall bear with you.”
(Exodus 18:19-22 MKJV)
This was the start of the methodology of decentralization of power – the
“Achilles Heel” of human activities. We react like democrats, but act like
This is the most devastating cause of demotivation of employees and
premature loss of promising leaders. The organizational environment of
companies depends, essentially, on a policy of human resources which
consolidates the following practice: to give equal opportunities in order
allow employees to be able to show and develop their full potential. To
question ideas, not individuals, is the most effective strategy to keep
indispensable “oxygenation” of the managerial process.
We think that, if each one of us took more time to read, reflect and live
more frequently the teachings of the Bible, we would live happier and
prosperous lives. Believe it to see it!
Faustino Vicente - Lawyer, Teacher and Consultant - e-mail;
faustino.vicente@uol.com.br - 055-11- 4586.7426 – Jundiaí (Land of
Grape) – Saint Paul – Brazil |