On Jun 16, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Theresa Catharina de
Goes Campos wrote:
Dear Jude:
I am very happy you liked the poem I wrote long ago in Canada.
(...) in Brasília, where all my wonderful doctors live and work. (...) I go on
having my excellent teacher and personal trainer , Juliana Emiko Taroda Gomes.
I wish you all the best !
Theresa Catharina
From: Jude Cameron
Date: 2011/6/16
Subject: Re: KNOCK - KNOCKS - Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos
To: Theresa Catharina de Goes Campos
WOW!!! This is the B-E-S-T , Theresa!!
Thank you for sending it.
How are you doing these days? (...) Or?
Jude |