Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos


To live in love domains,
to sleep in tender arms:
if love in your heart remains.
To remember and to endure,
let's keep love in our life, so
we will never forget the best
moments, the encouraging
dreams and best promises.

We do not build anything with hate;
so, keep tenderness in your words,
forget not to repeat loving gestures.
Nothing you get with hateful words.
Never stop doing acts of kindness.
When love remains, nothing is lost.

Let's hope and be always faithful.
Thus, when storms will come, if
love remains in our heart, in our
daily life and around us, hate will
not destroy whatever we patiently
built... If love remains, we survive.

It will guide us to light; to bridges
we must cross, to accept mystery.
We will certainly see the rainbow,
defeating shadows of frightening,
raging storms, if love will remain.

Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos
Brasília - DF, 22 de maio de 2014

From: Angela
Date: 2014-05-29

Boa-noite, Theresa. Que sábias palavras! Meu abraço. Angela

Querida Theresa Catharina,

Com o privilégio da leitura sempre alentadora de suas poesias, que você tem a gentileza de me enviar, logo ao concebê-las, as tocantes sensações desta de agora, WHEN LOVE REMAINS - exaltando, com toda a verdade, as virtudes da permanência, da constância do AMOR em nossos corações, como um poderoso indutor das ações positivas em nossas vidas (...).
Com um saudoso abraço, a amiga
Heloísa Helena

From: Elizabeth Barros
Date: 2014-05-30

Lindíssimo, Tia Therezita, adorei!!!
Parabéns, um beijo, da sobrinha, Elizabeth.



Jornalismo com ética e solidariedade.