Despite all the technical progress easily
verified in the construction business, sometimes
one area seems to remain somehow stationary.
Sales still happen, of course, even if you just
place a few salespeople in one office surrounded
by model apartments, make arrangements with a
real estate agency, etc.
But the truth is: profits will increase
dramatically when the sales department
establishes a communication followed by
practices that are bound to bring a greater
number of buyers.
Chiefly in these inflationary times, with high
unemployment and rates of borrowing, it does not
make sense to put so much effort and money in
all the other phases of the multi-residential
industry-design, construction, management and
financing - while taking for granted that the
sales will just happen along. To ignore the need
for a communications policy towards the public,
with the objective of drawing interested
customers, will certainly result in losses, if
not outright, at least in potential and
productivity. Propaganda and public relations
will have to go side by side with the other
The first step is to establish contact with the
people you intend to sell the units. They are
the ones who can afford your products. From this
knowledge, the next procedure will consist in
finding out how to get them interested and well
motivated to come to the sales office. Facing
competition, the basic consideration must be the
answer to a very essential question: which
features are the most important and represent
some originality or up-to-date improvement?
If no new technique was used or no special
building or management feature shows some
potential to attract the prospective buyers or
tenants, then the emphasis will have to be
placed on something else: the neighborhood
facilities or landscape, local taxes,
transportation links, future development plans.
Again, if this area does not look much promising,
there is still a lot that can be done. ln the
finances sector, for instance. Rents or
mortgages might be presented, as well as
advertised, in a practical, attractive way, so
they will motivate the initial contacts - a
phone call or a personal visit, alone or with a
relative or friend; and then, after a
salesperson is in touch with the client, the
persuasion will aim to increase the amount of
interest so it will result in a commitment.
Another point to offer as an attractive feature
may lie in the administration of the
multi-residentials in question. The spelling out
of a management policy that will reassure people
with reference to their living quarters can get
customers to make a decision of buying or
renting because they feel the rules are the best,
or according to their own individual preferences.
Also, the new advertising code of ethics has
recognized that clients appreciate most the
sincere, honest, low- key and down-to-earth
promotion claims. No real advantages will result
from a campaign based in directly down-grading a
competitor or, even worse, presenting as a fact
what is not true, or by using misleading
information. A contract should always represent
an agreement of mutual interest, trust and good
faith for both parties.
Many experts in the field also advise against
the policy of more or less withholding
information from people on the phone, in an
attempt to force them to visit the office in
person. These are gimmicks and such an approach
is losing ground fast, due to increased
consumers' awareness. Sales personnel should not
miss a chance of offering all the features and
advantages of what they want to sell just
because they feel they need to talk face to face
to the client. If the important data is given to
the persons who are interested enough to
establish an initial contact, they will
certainly welcome the chance to show up and see
if the reality corresponds. Valuable time will
be saved, though, in those cases when the caller
gets to know something that is so fundamental to
his/her decision... and, without the waste of
further contacts, the customer realizes he
really wants a different kind of residence or
Advertising booklets must also contain accurate
and appropriate information, in order to
substantiate the claims made by the rental/sales
staff, with update statistics, main
characteristics and features, plus answers to
the most common questions. With a few copies
near the office telephone, it may be referred to
whenever a caller needs more data before
visiting the location. Otherwise, an hesitant,
confused or clearly unprepared salesperson will
produce an almost instant negative reaction on
the part of a prospective buyer.
The decoration of models, and the office too,
deserve professional attention, since it will be
communicating impressions, ideas and feelings in
a subtle but not less important manner. Combined
with a personnel able to work at ease with the
public, in a friendly and courteous way, the
attention to details will contribute to a
maximum, optimum productivity. Following a few
common sense rules, instead of constraining the
sales routine, it will definitely make it more
effective, impressing well upon the clients.
Depending on the characteristics of each
community and its market, some promotions
specifically directed to groups, aiming to
create interest in multi-residential units, may
be of a great help. These are, for example:
informal talks to senior citizens considering a
move; or to community or professional
associations; let's not forget the social and
religious functions where the organizers look
for speakers and sponsors to fit, even briefly,
in the program of activities. Group visits will
result from these propaganda efforts, requiring
some good planning for the tour of models and
building facilities. ln some cases, too, the
sales strategy will include invitations for
refreshments or cocktails to well known
personalities, real estate agents and
specialized press representatives on a
particular date.
Other consideration seldom practiced: a seasonal
publicity, geared to the time of the year just
like the card stores and commercial outlets in
general, restaurants and offices are constantly
engaged. The ads may vary, then, with themes
like "a new home for Christmas," "a very special
Valentine gift," etc.
A decision may also be reached, before the sales
offensive starts, or afterwards, on whether to
offer a free, complimentary babysitting service,
in order to get the full attention from the
customers in mind, provided families with
children constitute a good number among the
prospective clients.
The suggestions I made in this article, often
overlooked in the apartment and building
business, should demonstrate there is an
economic reason and urgency for improvements on
sales methods, in order to fully succeed in
renting or selling residential units.
Why so many vacant apartments? Dull, poor sales
techniques; staff with little or no training at
all. A real challenge for the construction
Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos
Ottawa - Ontario, Canada, 1981.