
novo título)
Luc Jacquet
Ficha Técnica
DIRETOR…………………………Luc Jacquet
PRODUÇÃO…………………Bonne Pioche
PRODUTORES……Yves Darondeau, Christophe Lioud,
Emmanuel Priou
SOM……………………………………Laurent Quaglio
SOM MIX……………………………Gérard Lamps
MÚSICA ORIGINAL…………………Emilie Simon
EDITOR ……………Sabine Emiliani
NARRAÇÃO…………Bohringer, Charles Berling
e Jules Sitruk
França – 2004 - Duração 85min. – Plano – DTS/ Dolby
Stereo - Livre
Assessoria de Imprensa
Anna Luiza Müller - Tel: (021) 2132-3200 Fax: (021)
e-mail: annam@lumierebrasil.com.br
Marcha dos Pingüins: um fenômeno internacional de
bilheteria que vem
encantando platéias do mundo inteiro.
Obs.: O título em português do filme acima, passou a ser
"A Marcha dos Pingüins" (antes divulgado como "A Marcha
do Imperador").
A Marcha dos Pingüins
(La Marche de L´Empereur)
Direção: Luc Jacquet
Este belíssimo filme acompanha a jornada de centenas de
pingüins pela Antártida, percorrendo milhares de milhas
de distância e enfrentando situações de grande perigo.
A Marcha do Imperador *La Marche de l'empereur
[Clique nas imagens para impliar]
O documentário francês A Marcha do Imperador, sobre a
vida dos pingüins estreou há duas semanas nos Estados
Unidos e vem conseguindo resultados excelentes: o
documentário arrecadou neste fim de semana US$ 975 mil
nas 64 salas onde está sendo exibido nos Estados Unidos
e se é o filme que conseguiu a maior média por sala de
cinema, superando os números não só de "Quarteto
Fantástico", mas também de "Guerra dos Mundos".
Crianças, idosos, casais e curiosos se deixaram levar
pelo interesse em um documentário que na versão
americana é narrado por Morgan Freeman que pode passar
dos US$ 10 milhões em arrecadação quando ampliar sua
exibição para cerca de 50 salas. Até o momento, esse
valor só foi superado por três documentários:
"Fahrenheit 11 de Setembro", "Super Size Me - A Dieta do
Palhaço" e "Winged Migration".
Documentário épico sobre um grupo de pingüins
que viaja
milhares de quilômetros pelo traiçoeiro gelo flutuante
da Antártica, numa heróica batalha pela sobrevivência. |
•E A C H W I N T E R, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica,
deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable
journey takes place, as it has done for millenia. Emperor penguins in
their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and
clamber onto the frozen land to begin their long journey to the
continent’s desolate interior, a region so bleak, so extreme, it
supports no other life. In single file the penguins march, blinded by
blizzards, buffeted by 250 k.p.h. gales. Resolute, indomitable, driven
by the overpowering urge to reproduce, to assure the survival of the
•Guided by instinct, by shadows beneath the treacherous ice, by the
otherworldly radiance of the Southern Cross, they head unerringly for
their traditional breeding ground where - after a ritual courtship of
intricate dances and delicate manoeuvring, accompanied by a cacophony of
ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous
couples and mate.
•The days grow shorter, the weather ever more bitter. The females remain
long enough only to lay. Once this is accomplished, exhausted by weeks
without nourishment, they begin their return journey across 200
kilometres of ice-field to the fish-filled seas. The journey is
hazardous, and rapacious sea leopards a predatory threat. The male
emperors are left behind to guard and hatch the precious eggs, which
they cradle at all times on their claws. Subjected to -40°C temperatures
and the terrible trials of the polar winter, they too face great dangers.
•After four long months during which the males eat nothing, the eggs
begin to hatch. Once they have emerged into their ghostly white new
world, the chicks can survive for only 48 hours on their own food
reserves. If their mothers are late returning from the ocean with food,
the newly-hatched young will die.
•Once the families are reunited, the roles reverse, the mothers
remaining with their new young while their mates head, exhausted and
starved, for the sea, and food. While the adults fish, the chicks face
the ever-present threat of attack by rapacious giant petrels.
As the weather grows warmer and the ice floes finally begin to crack and
melt, the adults will repeat their arduous journey countless times,
marching many hundreds of kilometres over some of the most
treacherous territory on Earth, until the chicks are ready to take their
first faltering dive into the deep blue waters of the Antarctic ocean.
•Standing proud on the ice frontier, the emperor embodies the most
powerful moments of existence. Love and solidarity combine in the heroic
struggle for life.
•With short steps, bent under the pitiless burden of a driving snowstorm,
the emperor penguin labours through a vast labyrinth of ice. Around him,
all is white, all is in violent flux. Yet the valiant bird never falters,
undaunted by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He keeps going. In this
land where no other creature ventures, the emperor continues on to his
romantic rendezvous. As it follows the winter migration of the emperor
penguin, "The Emperor’s Journey" tells a tale of legendary proportions,
portraying the strange, spectacular destiny of powerful and
emotionally-involving characters, rich in courage and humour, mystery
and manifest drama. My goal is to dig from the ice a story which has
never seen the light of day for want of a teller. A true story, however
extraordinary. A story repeated every winter, as it has been for
hundreds of thousands of years. But there has never been a generation of
men to witness and shape it, to pass it down.
For man has never colonised the Antarctic, this amazing ‘terra australis
incognita’. The emperor penguin had never encountered man before the
first polar explorers arrived barely a century ago. In 1950, when
tentative, makeshift bases were established here, scientific observation
had replaced legend as Man’s preferred narrative. The emperor penguin
and man have not lived together long enough for folktales or myths to
develop. They remain strangers, crossing on rare occasions in the vast
desert expanses of the Antarctic.
With this in mind, my desire is to tell a real story: through the
extraordinary images of the emperor penguin during the austral winter,
images that have always fascinated me; and with words worthy of both the
Antarctic’s excessive nature, and the emperor’s epic destiny.
It is time for the emperor’s legend to be told.
D I R E C T O R ’ S S T A T E M E N T |
•DIRECTOR Luc Jacquet
Prize-winning film maker, documentarist, cameraman and photographer Luc
Jacquet is renowned for his nature and wildlife documentaries, which
draw heavily on both his scientific background and his great talent for
filmed narrative. "The Emperor’s Journey" is his first feature film.
PRODUCERS Yves Darondeau, Christophe Lioud,
Emmanuel Priou
One of France’s leading documentary production companies, Bonne Pioche
produces a varied slate of documentary films for all the major French
channels and a wide range of international broadcasters. The company’s
work been recognised with numerous awards at festivals world-wide, and
enjoyed widespread international distribution. Bonne Pioche is also
active in the production of TV advertising and music promos.
SOUND (DESIGN) Laurent Quaglio
Les Triplettes de Belleville (2003), Dead End (2003)
Vatel (2000), The Ninth Gate (1999)
Serial Lover (1998), Le Bossu (1997)
Death and the Maiden (1995), Bitter Moon (1992)
The Bear (1988), Manon des Sources (1987)
Jean de Florette (1986)
SOUND (MIX) Gérard Lamps
Monsieur Abrahim et les Fleurs du Coran (2003)
Stupeur et Tremblements aka Fear and Trembling (2003)
Mon Idole (2002), Une Femme de Menage (2002)
Laissez-passer (2002), Le Peuple Migrateur (2001)
Belphégor (2001), Harry, He's Here to Help (2000)
Léon (1994), Daddy Nostalgie (1990), Nikita (1990)
Jean de Florette (1986)
A dazzling and swiftly rising star of the French music
scene, 24-year-old singer, composer and producer
Emilie Simon has released one album to date. Featuring contributions
from sonic genius Markus Dravs (Bjork, Brian Eno) the eponymous release
combines ethereal and haunting melodic pop songs with otherworldy and
innovative soundscapes of great beauty.
Discography: "Emilie Simon" (Universal) 2003
- Victoire de la Musique 2004
DP Laurent Chalet, Jérôme Maison
EDITOR Sabine Emiliani
There has never before been a comprehensive feature-length film
depicting the extraordinary struggles and triumphs of the emperor
penguin. Our task was a mammoth one, requiring a full film crew to set
up camp in the Antarctic during the winter and remain for thirteen
months with no possibility of sea or air transportation. Thus stranded,
our constant presence allowed us to capture the full and remarkable
variety of penguin behaviour, as well as many bizarre and unique
Of the 40 or so extant emperor colonies world-wide, only four are
studied on anything like a regular basis. Only one is accessible without
mounting an independent expedition: the Geological Headland Archipelago
colony in Adelie, a few hundred metres from the French scientific centre
of Dumont d’Urville. The centre provided the perfect base for our shoot,
and our close relationship with the Institute for Polar Research
guaranteed us effective, active cooperation. We are also deeply indebted
to the support we received from the French Institute Paul-Emile Victor.
Filmed in super 16mm to convey the full visual impact of this
magnificent environment, "The Emperor’s Journey" includes underwater
footage of the penguins’ winter activities, shot by experienced divers
using specialized cameras and never previously captured in such
breathtakingly beautiful detail.
wild bunch
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